NISI MASA's 6th European Script Contest has just been launched!
The theme of the 2007 edition is "Circle"!

The contest is open to all young Europeans between 18 & 28 years of old living in one of the 19 countries of our network. Meaning, all of you are welcomed to submit your scripts at and at
NISI MASA Macedonia
ul. Prolet br. 12/6
1000, Skopje
The deadline for that would be July, 31st, 2007.
As in previous years, 3 European prizes will be awarded for supporting the production of the short films and 10 finalists will be invited to attend a scriptwriting workshop in January 2008 in France.
Before submiting your scripts, please do read the press release and the rules of the contest, as most of the rules (hence the name) and the things you'd need to know about the contest are written there.
We, at NISI MASA Macedonia, will be looking forward to getting plenty of scripts!
снешка, еден-два совети: текстот на блогот тешко се чита поради изборот на бои. може да размислиш да ги смениш.
понатаму, документот со правилата упатува на други документи кои не се наоѓаат баш лесно на нисимаса.ком - како на пример Scriptwriting Guidelines in можеш да ставиш директни линкови до нив.
можеш да додадеш коцка десно со некои главни и општи информации за нисимаса и конкурсот така што тие секогаш ќе се гледаат без разлика на тоа која вест е ставена.
фала на советите... is this better?:)
Sneskaaa ..Jas otkazav mojot Yahoo account. Ubaci me u grupa so ;)
Za sekoj slucaj ke ti pisam i na e-mail ;)
Pozdrav od Slovenija
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